9 Outsourcing Lessons Learned from Successful and Failed startups

9 Outsourcing Lessons Learned from Successful and Failed startups

By Reetesh Rustagi, 15 Apr, 2024

There are multiple factors responsible for arriving on an outsourcing decision. Among the list of companies that outsource, I have compiled a list of lessons learned from failed and successful outsourcing startups. This will help you arrive at the decision at the shortest possible time. One of the startups I worked with had no experience in technological terms. Initially they were looking for CTO which they couldn’t find on time. They outsourced technological aspects like app and website to Simform – one of the Best San Francisco Software Development Firms. This gave them leverage to focus on priority tasks and were able to launch the product in time. While on the other hand I also encountered a company that outsourced to freelancers only to get devastated. The hired freelancers disappeared in a week, leaving their reputation at stake and it took them another month to get started. There are multiple factors responsible for arriving on outsourcing decision. Among the list of companies that outsource, I have compiled a list of lessons learned from failed and successful outsourcing startups. This will help you arrive at the decision at the shortest possible time.

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Reetesh Rustagi

Reetesh Rustagi

Director & Support Head
